Finished Top
When no overhead cabinet is used, this finishes off the top of the hood. This option is not available for "External Fan - Top Discharge" ventilation configurations, as ceiling enclosures should be used in this case to hide the ductwork traveling out of the top of the hood. This option is also not available if ceiling enclosures have already been selected.
Ceiling Enclosures
Stainless steel enclosures to close off the top of the hood to the ceiling. These can be selected anywhere between 3" and 48" high.
Wall Cap
Cap to cover the exhaust opening when a hood is selected with a rear discharge configuration. Cap includes a built-in bird screen and gravity damper.
Manual Pull Station
This electronic pull station provides a means of manually activating the fire suppression in the hood. Pull station is provided with a plug-and-play cable to connect to the hood in the field.
Horn Strobe
The horn strobe assembly is available to use when audio and visual indicators are required in the event of an alarm condition. It operates off of 115VAC power and is provided with plug-and-play cables.
K-Class Portable Fire Extinguisher
A wall-mounted wet chemical fire extinguisher that can be used on class K kitchen fires (where cooking media like fats, greases, and oils are used).